Personal Evangelism

Exegetical Institute, Inc.

Course Study by: Dr. Grady

Copyright 2001

One must be willing to give his personal testimony when evangelizing to one or a thousand. My personal commitment is one similar to Jonah’s calling experience and very similar to the happening of Saul on the road to Damascus. Called to the ministry at age sixteen and running from the Lord for many years led me to believe that I had the world by the tail. Extremely rich, owning several corporations at the same time, an oil purchaser and plant processor, an oil field chemical company, made me believe I needed no one. God had called me and when He made up His mind allowed IRS to bring me to my circumstance Rom 5.l-4. I had never humbled myself during this twenty-year period.

Thinking about my calling, along with an extreme experience, left me with a desire to study the Bible extensively. Saved as an early teen, dedicated my life again at twenty I knew my eternal salvation was there when I cried out to God again. The early Sunday school teachings had instilled into my life, God’s word. I thank God for my salvation and His love for me. God has made me fruitful over the years now; each month souls are won to Christ. I will always be an evangelist for Christ. I bravely and boldly present the gospel of Jesus Christ whenever there is an opportunity. I pray that my writings will bring many to Christ over the next century and that the young will heed my warnings that time is of little essence when Christ is concerned.

My personal conviction about a personal commitment to be a witness to others is to tell others that time passes fast, and their children are grown before they know what happens, but most of all things would go a lot smoother if they would simply get their personal relationship with God as He desires to love us individually.

Life is full of experiences, even in the business world, and once that personal relationship is acquired and the knowledge of word of God is understood, then life becomes a total peace. Money is no more important, visions are made available, and if one simply tells others of that vision, God will allow that vision to take place. Money, effort, helps, and love will flow from everywhere. God will use those in the secular world to promote the vision and the witnessing to others must be part of any vision for the works of the Lord.

The saving compassion of Christ, the sovereign command of Christ, the condition of mankind, and the severe consequences of sin are motivating incentives found in a burden for the lost. The driving force, the pressing burden, and the Holy Spirit moves one to witness to the lost man and point him to salvation. This is true evangelism.

Jesus emptied Himself for us. Jesus left heaven for us. Jesus showed compassion for us. Jesus died, was buried, rose, ascended into heaven and is Lord of Lord and King of Kings for our sins Jesus emptied Himself. The saving compassion of Christ compels those who bear His name to be burdened for unbelievers. Paul and many others who have followed Jesus, do so because of Christ’s love for others became a motivation, an example and soon those who have followed enjoyed the peace and joy God gives to those who serve Him, really serve Him.

Jesus had such immeasurable, unquenchable compassion and love in His heart for the souls of men that He was willing to empty Himself for heaven and die for us sinners. John I explains how Jesus is declared to be God and creator of all, but He is also seen as the loving Savior who laid aside His glory to become a man that the plan of redemption would be fulfilled. The word was made flesh, and in Genesis God created all, and in Revelation Jesus will return. The word is Jesus, study the Bible then you study Jesus. Jesus took upon Himself and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross. One thing should be added here and that Jesus beat the devil, Jesus beat death, he reigns forever.

The sovereign command of Jesus is declared and backed up by God. All power was given to him in heaven and earth. The burdened believer realizes that claim of sovereignty is followed by a command. “God ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you (Matt. 28.19-20).”

Jesus here declares His plan for the church. The responsibility of the church is the command. Those who serve Him are then to follow the command. If you love me, keep my commandments (Jn. 14.15). Paul under the influence of the Holy Spirit declared, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom 3.23).” In Leavell, 29, one sees that everyone can look about and notice that our world is in serious trouble. No country or social group is immune from tragic rebellion against God. The whole world suffers from rising crime and from gross inhumanities to other human beings and the problem of sin plagues all classes, colors, and culture groups all over the world today and will continue until we repent for our sins and turn our morals back into what the Bible instructs us to do.

In my early ministry while teaching in a personal care unit I suddenly related to how people each day do the same as the church leaders of that time and place did to that man on the road. We talked about everyday occurrences in the personal care unit where people would say “do not associate with he or she because they are not mentally here at all times, or they never come to Sunday school so let us not associate with he or she”, many other things were discussed and finally the bottom line is to simply witness to those and become a witness by our actions.

The question here for this study course is quite simply answered by understanding exactly what Jesus did. The saving compassion of Christ, the sovereign command of Christ, the serious condition of mankind, and the severe consequences of sin are four motivating factors that must be present for the true burden of the lost sinners in our world today.

A Christian should know what heaven would be like. The lost want to know these answers as well. Below I have taken the time to research out what I believe will always be with you, the soul winner.


The term “Kingdom” is used 126 times in the gospels. “Kingdom of heaven” or its equivalent is used 80 times. Matthew uses “Kingdom of heaven” alone 32 times (he used “Kingdom of God” four times).

John the Baptist came preaching the Kingdom of God (Matt. 3: 2, “at hand” shows the Kingdom was “new” and not then in existence). It was Jesus’ task to preach the kingdom of God (Lk. 4: 43). In fact, the Kingdom constituted the centrality of Jesus’ teaching (Matt. 4: 17, 23). Jesus appointed his apostles to teach the Kingdom of heaven (Matt. 10: 7, Lk. 10: 9). The apostles continued to teach the Kingdom after Jesus’ death (Acts 8: 12, 14: 22, 19: 8, 20: 25, 28: 23, and 31).

The Kingdom was to come in the lifetime of those addressed by Jesus in Mark 9: 1. “Verily I say unto you,” Jesus taught, “that there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.” Jesus commissioned the apostles to preach the gospel to every creature (Mk. 16: 15, 16). The word they preached was (is) the “seed of the Kingdom (Lk. 8: 11, Matt. 13: 19). Shortly before his death, Jesus said, “…Upon this rock I will build my church” (Matt. 16: 18). Jesus then interchangeably used “church” and “kingdom” (Matt. 16: 18, 19).

God’s kingdom is not secular (Matt. 20: 25-28, This is what Jesus meant when he told Pilate, “…my Kingdom is not of this world…” (Jn. 18: 36). God’s Kingdom “is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14: 17). Meat and drink are insignificant in God’s Kingdom because God’s Kingdom is spiritual in nature and work (I Tim. 3: 15, cf. Jn. 6: 26, 27, Acts 2: 42)).

 Heaven is the origin of the kingdom (Dan. 2: 44, Matt. 16: 18), heaven is the ultimate “end” of the Kingdom (I Cor. 15: 24), the King is presently reigning in heaven (Acts 2: 34-36), and the Kingdom’s laws are heavenly (Phili. 3: 20).

Jesus said, “…Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18: 3). Jesus told Nicodemus in unequivocal terms: “…Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God” (Jn. 3: 3, 7). This new birth consists of belief, repentance, confession of Jesus’ deity, and water baptism for the remission of sin (Acts 2: 36, 37, 38, Rom. 10: 9, 10, Acts 2: 38, 22: 16).

The Kingdom is compared to mustard seed in that the Kingdom had a small beginning but grew into the greatest “institution” the world has ever known, the Kingdom is likened unto leaven in that it diffuses itself by its very nature and permeated in its influence, and the Kingdom is compared to great treasure which a man found and sold all in had to obtain it in that the Kingdom is of incomparable worth (Matt. 13: 31, 32, 33, 44). Jesus illustrated that some just find the Kingdom, while others find it as a result of seeking it (Matt. 13: 44, 45, 46).

The church and the Kingdom are referring to the same people. The only difference is the “church” is considering God’s people in the sense of the called out (meaning of ekklesia) and “Kingdom” (basileia) is identifying God’s people in the sense of those over whom Jesus reigns (see Matt. 16: 18, 19). To those who deny the church and the Kingdom are the same and that the Kingdom is yet future, this is a startling truth.

 There are many shocking truths regarding the Kingdom. For instance, the immoral have no part in God’s Kingdom, the Kingdom is not meat and drink, and the tares (hypocrites) shall be gathered out of the Kingdom and burned (Gal. 5: 17-21; Rom. 14: 17; Matt. 13: 39-42).

The Kingdom/church is the most wonderful institution the world has ever known. This is what Jesus meant when he said, “…Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he” (Matt. 11: 11).

In the Book of John the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus explains the way to heaven. Nicodemus a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews showed him to be a religious and knowledgeable man. “Rabbi, we know that thou are a teacher come from God, for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with Him (Jn 3.2)”

Christ said, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God (Jn 3.3).” Jesus explained to Nicodemus that one must be born of water and of the Spirit. Jesus said directly to Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again (Jn 3.7).”

I believe that there are so many people in the world that are ignorant to the truth of Jesus Christ and the baptizing of the Holy Spirit. In my own personal case no one had ever explained that the Holy Spirit had been indwelling within me all those years. Many cannot conceive this baptism because no one has ever explained this baptism to them. While attending Bible College I used a near by cleaner for cleaning purposes. I was in the cleaners one day talking to the lady that works there. This lady had been talking to me for a couple of years and on this day asked the question, “What religion are you going to be when you finish seminary”. I was not shocked at the question because I knew she probably had a Catholic background as most do from my home state, Louisiana. She then said “I couldn’t even read my Bible or go to church anymore because I am a sinner” I asked her why. She said she had become a Pentecostal several years ago and prior to that she had been Catholic. She said that she was not good enough to be a Christian because she had been taught in her second religion that it was a sin to watch television and many other things like wearing make up, etc. God used my knowledge of the Catholic religion to identify with her first step backward in time and let her realize that her first faith believed in Jesus Christ. I then told her about salvation, indwelling of the Holy Spirit forever, once saved always saved, and that you cannot loose your salvation. Then I explained my denomination in a way not to cut down the other denominations and she understood and accepted Jesus as her savior. What church she goes to I really do not know, but I do know she is content, peaceful, and love is expressed all over her face when I returned several times. Salvation is the way to heaven, but let those hear who want to hear and let those see who want to see. Knowledge is through the word and faith in Jesus Christ is the way to eternal salvation.

Jesus Christ Himself especially appointed Paul. No other calling has ever been as Paul’s call. Many similar illustrative calls have happened, but none as Paul’s calling. Now that we understand that Jesus called Paul, then how can we not accept Paul as the greatest evangelist ever in our world? When Jesus Christ appoints you, then what can be greater?

Scripture in The Book of Acts plainly reveals that Paul preached Christ in the synagogues and did not have any hesitation. His conversion was life changing and he was saved while persecuting Christians. Living in pain, going to prison, and a thorn in his side, Paul still proclaimed the gospel. Paul opened the hearts of many, the jailer, Lydia, Silas and many others who became missionaries for the gospel.

Paul never quit, never quit evangelizing, and was even willing to die for strangers if their souls could be saved. Paul fought a good fight to the end. Paul was the greatest evangelist ever to preach. Paul did not tolerate being indoctrinated or leaving the gospel of Jesus Christ in any way. Paul was a man of God, who with stood prison chains and still proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul set his life apart and would tell everyone that he beat his body into submission. Paul’s character set him apart from others. Paul would be as the person whom he witnessed to. Producing saved souls was his goal and spreading the gospel through other converts he did well.

Paul was an obedient man to the Lord. The fact that he followed the example of Jesus in baptism is recorded in the Book of Acts. Paul immediately began to preach the deity of Christ, witnessing to Damascus and Jerusalem before returning to his home. Paul took time to mature in Arabia and studied more of the word. Paul was a studied man prior to his conversion, but as many of us had to mature. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit prepared Paul as he studied in Arabia for the works to come.

Paul was compassionate, but Paul was stern. Paul proved his way everywhere he traveled and let no man supply him less he became accused of taking money for the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul would recount his testimony as the Book of Romans instructs us to do, use your testimony for the salvation of others.

Paul could preach because he had experienced life’s journey . Jesus can save us and understand what we are going through because He wants to save us and also he has been there. Many of us today have a testimony afraid to use this testimony because of the shame and guilt it brings back to memory. The Book of Romans teaches this guilt can be lifted from us and we are to use our testimony. Paul was a testimony within himself, a legend in his own time, the people wanted to make him a God. Paul of course refused, and I wonder how many today could refuse.

Paul continued to proclaim to the people the salvation of Jesus Christ even when he was beaten, mocked, and imprisoned for his message. He cared for the souls of men regardless of their class, race, power or political position. When he visited the synagogues he would preach to the Jews. When he visited all outlying areas he would preach to the women. Paul led the jailer to salvation. Paul was full of sympathy and led many to Christ Jesus.

Martin Luther discovered the Bible upon entering college at the age 18. He was looking through the Scriptures and became impressed with how Samuel was called to the by God. Luther began working at an Augustinian monastery in the year 1505 and started studying the Scripture. He tried all the rituals and traditions for salvation and nothing happened. He studied so much that he finally decided that Salvation was strictly grace. The light of truth shone with such brilliance into his spirit that he felt Paul’s words. The just shall live by faith were the very gates of Paradise itself, and became the fundamental truth of the Reformation, and of course Luther was born again.

Martin Luther’s ministry as an evangelist was one of vigor and fervency. After nailing his ninety-five thesis to the door of the Wittenburg cathedral, he began his work of reformation and evangelism. His thought and belief was made up of three main principles, salvation possible by grace through faith alone, the Bible is the final authority, and every believer is in possession of priesthood. Luther ministered through teaching, debating, writing, and some hymns. His greatest work was his translation of the Bible into the German language, which he completed in 1534.

In the fifth month of 1738 Charles and John Wesley were saved. Charles was saved after much research and desire to understand salvation. John was saved several days later while someone read Luther’s works concerning the Book of Romans. Their faith had saved them by believing in Jesus Christ.

John Wesley immediately started preaching saved by grace and the need for a spiritual experience. The churches of England soon rejected John thinking this would destroy his ministry. The church was surprised to find they had only increased the Wesley ministry because their ministry grew quickly outside the churches of England.

Crowds came from the streets and everywhere to hear the music and preaching of the Wesley bothers. John preached on the streets and in the fields, in barns and homes, and sometimes in graveyards and different burial grounds. John actually stood on his father’s tomb and preached to a great crowd.

Charles also preached but his greatest contribution to Christianity was the seven thousand hymns that he wrote and sang. Both John and Charles Wesley’s ministry was a shocking and successful ministry. They built churches, preached, taught, wrote, and worked with many social activities and inserted morals to these social activities. They were on fire for the Lord and did many works as their fruit proved growth.

The doctrines contained in fifty-two of the Wesley sermons produced several truths to understand:

  1. The universality and impartiality of God’s grace to man as manifested in the provision of the atonement.
  2. The freedom of human will, and man’s individual, probational responsibility to God.
  3. The absolute necessity, in religion of holiness in heart and life.
  4. The natural impossibility of this to fallen human nature.
  5. The perfect provision for this necessity and impossibility, as well as for the pardon of past sins, in salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
  6. The sole condition of this salvation-faith.
  7. The conscious witness of the Spirit to this salvation.


This system has been found to be in perfect accord with the whole Bible. There have been doctrines founded upon one single Scripture and the Wesleyan doctrine is founded upon the complete Bible. One of the greater followers today of this doctrine is the Salvation Army. They duplicate every procedure that the Wesley brothers conducted and even feed the hungry.

Charles Wesley founded the Holy Club at Oxford University, which at first consisted of three members, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, and the famous George Whitefield. Several other young men joined quickly and they met weekly to read Scripture, visited the poor, and tried to lead others into salvation. The true knowledge of salvation was not made clear to John until the year 1738. A songwriter, converted on May 21st, 1738, Charles Wesley became with the help of the Holy Spirit a greater songwriter and greater evangelist. This writer makes clear that John Wesley died at age 88 as a priest for the Church of England. The Church of England operated under 35 rules. These rules were Calvanistic in nature, claiming eternal salvation.

Charles a preacher, evangelist and a songwriter combined into one for the works of Jesus Christ left him with one outstanding gift of the three. The gift was writing songs for Jesus Christ. The hymns were happy, simple, and filled with vigor and praised God rather than producing sorrow. Charles had a snap to his music similar to what we hear today from The Salvation Army bands and singing. Most of all his songs were doctrinal and emotional, joyful but serious, filled with praise of God and also prayerful. Love excelled outward in every song. “Hark the Herald Angels sing”, “Love Divine”, “O For a thousand Tongues to Sing” was just some of the songs Charles wrote and sang. Each contains love, divine, prayer, and praise to God and we still sing these songs today.

The church at this time was powerless and prayerless. The Wall Street had recently collapsed and prosperity and growth increase. All these led to the greatest revival in history. Christians were suddenly awakened to the fact that without God, America was helpless. Prayer sprang up everywhere. Disaster had turned the American people to God. The same thing happened over and over in the Old Testament times with the Jews.

A prayer meeting of the Boston businessmen started and the crowds of people took over the small prayer group. Larger facilities had to be acquired to hold the many that were coming for prayer. Ladies joined together and set up meeting places for prayer and the same thing happened to them. Revival had broken out in America, how we need the same today. These meetings became so crowded that the ladies would stand outside and strain their ears just to hear about Jesus and pray. People were hurting, and the American people were nearly taken like Sodom and Gomorah. Businessmen were praying in every city in America, Revival had broken out through prayer. Today prayer can do the same for America, and prayer can do the same for your country as well.

Charles Finney picked up on the Wesley brother’s evangelistic approach and spread the gospel all over America. Revival had broken out. Prayer meetings, personal visitation, and conversions were taking place in every parts of America. The results of the revival were staggering and over one half million soul were converted quickly. The renewal of love and kindness spread all over America and missionaries were sent to other countries. God had touch American people’s hearts.

Today the people can still reap the results and love of this ministry that happened not long ago. The hymns are still available to us today. The teachings are recorded and the example has been laid out before us to follow. What happened in the revival of 1857-1857 has resulted, in our present day, a great lesson, and study guide for us to follow.

I believe that the verse in II Corinthians describes American today perfectly. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. Today American has many Christians out there praying everyday. Many go to church and many show good works. God here is speaking to Christians and the sinners for they are to be won over by the saints through evangelism and evangelist. We are to stop the going through of motions and start following God’s word. God said exegetical,

  1. If my people and this does not mean people who are not His people, and this does not mean He want help, it means if we will listen.
  2. We saints must turn from our wicked ways.
  3. We saints should become humble
  4. We saints should pray.
  5. We saints should seek God’s face.
  6. We saints should turn form our wicked ways.
  7. Our reward will be that Jesus will intervene to God for us, and Jesus will heal our Land.
  8. Heal our land means to heal our hearts, and for give us our sins.
  9. This does not mean that we will not reap what we sow for to be in this condition our sowing has not been well pleasing to God and we will reap what we sow. We are now to sow new seed and show the fruit that Jesus demands of us.


My Privilege of Experiencing an Intern Program Through Seminary & My local Church , Therefore Below A Program of Evangelism in a Local Church

  1. Local evangelism from saints within the local church.


  1. Hospital visits
  2. Nursing home visits
  3. Adult day care visits
  4. Home bound visits
  5. Willing helpers evangelism
  6. Feeding the poor
  7. Visiting the widows
  8. Visiting orphans
  9. Visiting the prisoners
  10. Visiting the homeless
  11. Sheltering the abused
  12. Sunday school
  13. Pastoral preaching.
  14. Evangelist outreach teams to witness to others


II. Mission and Missionary Evangelism.

  1. Start missions
  2. Train missionaries
  3. Send out missionaries


III Prayer and Intercessory Prayer

  1. Become Open to Simply Pray For Others
  2. Be Faithful


One must keep their eyes on Jesus and depend upon the Holy Spirit for help when witnessing to a friend or love one. A good understanding of what you are going to tell that person is important. You must understand before you can witness and give advise. Jesus came to earth, emptied Himself, and can say I know how you feel I have been there. Jesus sends us experiences and circumstances and the Holy Spirit to assist us in witnessing to a friend.

We are all sinners in the eyes of God, how may times have I hear this. We are all sinners and Jesus died for our sins. We have to believe that Jesus died for us, rose, ascended into heaven and is Lord of Lords. Explaining this to others sometimes is hard because they do not understand what that does for them.

I explain that Jesus died for our sins, death reigned, sin reigned, grace reigns and that we will reign in heaven with Jesus for eternity. This does not take three sentences. A slow explaining of all these subjects is necessary for one to understand. I have heard people say all one has to do before he or she dies is except Jesus as their savior and they will go to heaven. They usually use the thief on the cross for an example. This is the wrong answer for me. Jesus explained the Sermon on the Mount properly. I believe he did, and then He explained that the man on the cross-acknowledged Him as a King, and denounced Jesus of any sin, and then asked Jesus to remember him. Jesus, after all these things the man said and did, said, “Today you will be in paradise with me.”

I believe the total understanding of Jesus’ life must be explained to this friend. Jesus talked, and taught of spiritual things not of the world. Separating the two to a friend is the way to salvation for that friend.

The first step is to explain salvation, sin, and the difference between the person who is not saved and sinning and the person who is saved and is sinning. They are both sinners with one exception, the one saved can repent and Jesus hears and Jesus dies on the cross for that sin. The sin is forgiven. The unsaved person continues to allow his sins to grow in number with no hope of being forgiven and will be judged and thrown into the eternal fire. The saved person will have eternal life.

The next step is to explain that one has fruit after salvation. One may say that the new convert is a false saint or a pretender because he was seen sinning, but I say to the person that I am witnessing to that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and guess what so are people. I was a sinner yesterday, today and certainly will be tomorrow. The major difference is that as a Christian I produce some fruit. This fruit is studying the bible, helping others, loving others, visiting widows, and visiting orphans. Teaching a Sunday school class is fruit. This is how you judge you self and do not worry anymore how others judge you. You are good enough to become a Christian and you can stay a Christian because once saved always saved. Then I would explain the five crowns available for all Christians. I would explain the seven judgments that are going to be conducted by Christ Himself. I would explain Christians would be judged in the first judgment for their crowns earned.

God answers prayers and sends revival to evangelist, missionaries, bible teachers, any leg of the church. In today’s society most people only understand revival occurring through large stadiums or in local churches. A revival must be brought about through prayer and the people must allow the Holy Spirit to guide their decisions. There is no accident for a revival and everyone involved is used for a purpose. Revival must be upon the saints of our Jesus Christ. Revival must be upon the saints themselves or an evangelist meeting for the outsiders will not be effective. Knowing the difference here, and explaining this to the saints is of the up-most importance. They can receive blessings from a revival and they can become stimulated to go out a win souls, but most important for this special week of revival is to win lost souls because the Holy Spirit, the music, the witnessing, and all together is most powerful. Samson received power and how much more power can we receive through Jesus Christ in a revival.

A successful revival is the result of anointing of the evangelist and all who take part in the revival. Much planned teamwork will allow you to research out those who you believe to be lost, obtain a plan for those people that week, and get them involved in daily actions during this great week of opportunity. A revival does not depend on sure chance. A Christian businessman depends on the Holy Spirit guidance. Christians should be about God’s business in one accord, through prayer and hard work that the gospel be presented, leaving the conviction to the Holy Spirit. Souls can be one to Jesus if the members of the church will utilize all their gifts before and during a revival.

Home visits, attending guest, and in the street evangelism throughout the revival is most important. The evangelist must be God called, and never end a sermon unless the alter call has been made. Ask for the people to come to salvation. We some times loose sight of what God really wants us to do. Paul recorded in the scripture that he was willing to die, that his nation be saved. What he meant was his heart was giving all to the preaching of the gospel that the Holy Spirit could convict the unbelievers in his own native country. Becoming a life long mentor is very important. Once you have assisted a friend or stranger in allowing them to open their heart to accept Jesus as their savior one should never abandoned that person. In today’s world of Internet we are seeing Christian’s under much attack. This can cause a devoted Christian working from his or her heart to be set back in their works of evangelism. False accusations occur and this allows Satan to begin a work of controlling the mind, will and emotion of believer.

The church can start by living what it preaches and teaches. Actions show new converts more than words. One should become that new converts mentor. Be available when the new convert says that he or she is having a hard time understanding or that they just cannot accept that teaching. The devil will not give up, even through the shadows of death and angel is necessary to fight that old devil. The church should remember to never let that new saint be sold out by the devil.

Encouragement from everyone is necessary. The new convert needs to be recognized and not put into some slot and forgotten. A roll is not important to Jesus but the roll up yonder is important for that new convert. The proper preaching, teaching and love towards the new convert is the way the Bible explains as to how we should handle new converts. Jesus said to Peter “Feed my sheep”, and he meant to nourish and train them and to take care of them. Jesus promised in Jn 20:22,23 that he would send a helper. Many claim the Holy Spirit entered first in the records coming from the Book of Acts. Jesus filled eleven disciples, instructed that they go to the upper room in pray, and scripture says 120 more people joined them. At the great preaching where 3000 were saved, after the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus came down, there was already spirit filled people, the church, well prepared, presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church, when holding a revival must go back to these very basics to have true revival.

I would personally teach the new convert and become his mentor as long as I felt he or she needed help. The next step would be to make that person accountable for studies other than those obtained at church, but through the church guidance.

The teachers at Sunday school would be asked to let me know how this new convert is doing from time to time. The church administrator would be asked to let me know how the new convert is doing from time to time. The close eye kept on the new convert as to his or her attendance during church every Sunday morning, evening and especially at prayer meeting on Wednesdays. Knowledge is the most powerful tool in helping a new convert.

A new convert must be taught immediately that God gives each one of us at least one gift and to some more. The greatest task of self-discipline of a soul winner is to keep the burning desire to save souls and let this show at all times. The rest will be evident to others. One must guard that he may fall back into old ways and cause another to stumble or not to accept Jesus Christ.

One must continue to study God’s word but through an exegetical method. This method is simple. Study the scripture as to what the Scripture says, what the scripture means, how the scripture applied at the time written and how does the scripture apply to you today. One may ask, how can that be accomplished? A post revival must continue to train the new converts. A weekly training should present the new convert with the tools to look up the original language of every word in the bible from start to finish. As a soul winner grows and matures the results turn into sanctification. Sanctification floods the souls with great light and with great love, and thus subjects the saint to two great and opposite temptations and dangers.

One may become critical of others, faultfinding, impatient with men, and too severe in his judgments and requirements of those who may yet be in comparative darkness. And thus, unlike his Lord, he may break the bruised reed that Jesus would not break, and quench the smoking flax, which Jesus would not break, and quench the smoking flax, which Jesus would fan into a flame, and so fail to bring forth judgement unto truth.

A man makes his way to sanctification his mindset sometimes becomes as the Pharisees, prideful and better than thou. It will be helpful to such a one to where he once was and where he came from. Remember to be as merciful and patient in his judgments and criticisms of others as The Lord.

The opposite of this is frankly becoming to soft. Everything becomes love, to lenient, and his mind can be changed very easily. Many have labored in the name of the Lord in vain. The result is many souls may have been lost that might have been saved by an early positive move and the bravery of facing a person with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This kind of testimony is one of tough love. One needs to read the book, titled Tough Love. One become fair and balanced, educated and steadfast in order to win souls.

Although we are all sinners and will sometimes loose humility, courage, and even faith may become hard in critical circumstances. We must be in prayer and keep their eyes on Christ. One must bean encourager and understanding when in counsel when walking down the road of sanctification with a new convert. .

A gospel tract should contain four major points. The first is to present the need of salvation, Romans 3.23. Second, should present the penalty of sin, Romans 6.23. Third, the tract should show the way to receive salvation, 1 John 1.9, Romans 10.10. Fourth, the tract should show the promise of assurance when the work is done Romans 8.16. The Spirit itself bear witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. The gospel tract is an excellent tool used for the propagation of the good news of salvation. It is important that gospel tracts are filled with Bible information concerning the word of Jesus Christ.

The gospel tract is a great tool to use when one does not have times for the presentation of the gospel and also as an introductory to a presentation of the gospel. It is also used for seeking to undertake mass distribution of the word in such places as the inner city and even in out lying areas of rural interest.

The Holy Spirit is a guide for all Christians to lean upon. Witnessing is just one place where the Holy Spirit presents salvation to others through us. The Holy Spirit brings upon the unsaved a conviction and the heart becomes full of repentance and love. The soul winner already having the Holy Spirit represents himself in like manner. Salvation occurs when Holy Spirit touches ones heart.

There is but one-way, and that is by the witness of The Holy Spirit. God must notify me, and make me to know it, and this he does when, despairing of my own works of righteousness; I cast my poor soul fully and in faith upon Jesus. Paul said, “Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God (Rom8.15, 16)”

Through grace I am saved, through knowledge of the scripture I am able to understand, therefore, I shall know how to present to the lost soul. So the Holy Spirit is the only way to witness in complete soul winning. We are only tools of witnessing, the Holy Spirits job is to convict, therefore, without the Holy Spirit, what is the need of witnessing.

Have you been experiencing the need for truth in your life? Has the Holy Spirit been knocking at your door? Do you desire a personal relationship with Christ? Will you accept the grace of salvation and move on to sanctification? Are you an inquirer or a spiritual warrior who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and saved the creature rather than the Creator (Rom 1.25)? “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting (Rom 1.28)

Jesus’ death on the cross provides sanctification as well as regeneration. Hebrews 13.12, “Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate”. Ephesians 5.25-27, “Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” That He might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing: but that it should be holy and without blemish”

Faith is the condition of receiving. Acts 26.17-18, “Delivering thee from the people, and from the gentiles, unto whom now I send the, “To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness and sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.”

Consecration, a prerequisite to fait his evidence in Romans 12.1-2, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” “And be not conformed to the world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

How can a person know he is sanctified one may ask. Hebrews 10.14-15, “For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.” Whereof the Holy Spirit also is a witness to us”. And I John 1.7, “But if we walk in the light, as he is the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleans us from all sin.”

I pray you have enjoyed this short course on witnessing. Remembering we have one purpose in life, to witness to others and bring souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus could have written in the sky the words, “Jesus Saves”, and all would come to know the presents of the Lord. He chose to use us the saints of the church, to edify His church and become his audience at the great marriage supper He is preparing for the church. I ask one question for the witness today. In addition to all you have learned about soul winning do you understand your judgment, which judgment you are going to be in, and what are the rewards? I suggest to you a study of your five Christian Crowns. You will find those listed in a goof NKJV study bible. Many have been saved, gone to church all their lives, die and go to heaven without ever understanding what they will actually be judged for. You will not be judged for your salvation, you are saved by grace. At the great marriage supper of Christ you will have the opportunity to lay down your crowns. This is the first, one of seven judgments Jesus will personally be in charge of when he returns.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, if you will learn your five Christian crowns early on in your walk with Christ, your life will be changed. In The Book of Revelation, the scripture says, “Beware Satan does not steal your crowns” Things that we do feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, counseling, care giving are things that we do because we are Christians. Again, we are saved by grace, but we also have works, works that will not cause loss of salvation, but works that earn us Christian Crowns, to present to Jesus Christ at the great marriage supper. Are you going to be in attendance at the great marriage supper? If you accept Jesus Christ as your savior in your heart, then you will be there, but pray that you understand you may be a little embarrassed with out at least one of five of your available crowns. Five would be much better.