Biblical Prayer


Exegetical Institute, Inc.
Course Study by: Dr. Grady
Copyright, 2001

Jesus prayed at every major crisis point in His life.

Jesus lived and ministered in this world. He spent much of His time in earnest prayer. He managed to maintain a close relationship between Himself and God the Father. Presented are the moments when Christ prayed in times of major crisis in His life. Jesus endured many sufferings during these times of prayer He examples for all Christians to follow. Christians should learn to pray continuously as Jesus prayed.
Jesus indicated to Peter that He had prayed for him in Luke 22.32. The reason Jesus had prayed earnestly for Peter was because the devil had desired to take control of Peter’s life. This was certainly a major crisis, because this meant that Peter’s eternity was at stake. He could have become spiritually lost if Christ had not been praying for him.

Jesus warned the disciples to be in prayer so that they would not enter into temptation, Luke 22.40. Jesus knew that the hour was about to come when He would give His life on the cross for the sins of the world. He needed the prayers of His disciples to help to strengthen Him. The disciples did not pray during the time of the Lord’s suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. While Jesus was in earnest prayer, they were all sleeping. The Christian should pray and not sleep during the time of major crisis.

Possibly the results of the disciple’s neglect of prayer was not having the strength and will power to stay with the Lord when the Jews came to arrest Him. Peter denied Jesus three times when ask if he was one of Jesus’ followers. In Mark 14.32, Jesus knew that soon He would be giving His life for the sin of all mankind. Jesus knew that this would be a painful and agonizing task, because He was perfect, and He had never sinned. When Jesus went to pray, He was in agony. He needed the Fathers strength to fulfill the purpose for coming into this world. God gave Jesus the strength in order for Him to fulfill His purpose.

When Jesus was suffering on the cross, He was taking on the burden of sin. Though Jesus was being crucified, He forgave the people who had put Him to death. He asked God the Father to forgive them for the evil that they had done to Him. Jesus said the reason for forgiveness was because they did not know what they were doing. This indicates the great love that Jesus has for people. He wants to see all men saved. Even at the point of death, Jesus forgave those people for what they had done to Him.

Jesus prayed to God the Father, and He commended His spirit to the Father, Luke 23.46. Jesus continued in prayer even at the time of death. His sacrifice on the cross was complete. He had fulfilled the Will of God. Christians should also be willing to suffer persecution for the name of Jesus Christ. They should be willing to die proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ. This is why Christians should be in earnest prayer in order to receive boldness from the Lord to proclaim the truth, no matter what the circumstances may bring. Jesus prayed during the time of major crisis. Jesus set the example for the Christian to follow concerning prayer.

“Prayer as Taught by Jesus.”
The writer will present Scripture on the teachings of Jesus concerning prayer. There are many Scriptural passages, which indicate Jesus’ teachings on this subject. He taught the importance of prayer, and why the Christian should maintain a solid prayer life. Jesus’ teachings include confidence in prayer, perseverance in prayer, and God’s will in prayer.

One of the passages of confidence in prayer is found in Matthew 7.7-11. This passage teaches that God is willing to give the Christian those things that are good. The Christian should have confidence when asking for something that he particularly needs from God that the Lord will provide. God will surely give those things that are good for the Christian who needs them. God is a loving and merciful God who will provide for the needs of his children.

The Christian should not be afraid to ask confidently of God, those things that he needs. Confidence in prayer is found in Matthew 6.5, 7,9. This passage of Scripture indicates that Christians should be confident that God would hear their prayer. They should not use vain repetitions, but pray knowing that God will hear them the first time. God knows the heart of man, and He already knows the needs of His people before they even ask anything of Him. The Christian should realize that he or she does not have to repeat the same words over and over again, but have confidence and faith that God heard the prayer the first time.

The perseverance of God in Luke l8.9-14 tells of two men who went to the Temple to pray. The Pharisee when he prayed boasted about himself to the Lord, but the publican repented, and he asked God to be merciful to him. Jesus was teaching this parable to people who thought that they were righteous. Jesus taught that it is by God’s mercy that makes a sinful man righteous and justified before God. Because of the repentance of the publican, he went home justified. However, the Pharisee did not go home justified because of his self-righteousness. A man is justified by God’s mercy, and not by his works.

Found in Luke 15.18,21 is another good example on perseverance in prayer. The prodigal son who symbolizes the backslidden Christian that left home symbolizes being out of fellowship with God. The prodigal son realizes his mistakes, and he wants to go home to ask his father to forgive him. This would symbolize the Christian who realizes his sin, and he wants to ask God the Father to forgive him. The father forgave the prodigal son, which symbolizes God’s forgiveness for the Christian who repents, and seeks to reconcile his fellowship with God.

Found in 1 John 3.2 is another good example concerning perseverance. This passage indicates that all Christians are children of God, and when Jesus appears, the Christian will become like Him. The Christian should pray that God would purify him so that he will not be ashamed when Jesus Christ appears.
In John 8.29, Jesus indicated that God was always with Him, because He did those things that pleased Him. Jesus always did the will of God the Father. This is what the Christian should do in his everyday walk with Christ. He should in earnest prayer seek to do the will of God. Jesus set the perfect example, because He never ceased to do God’s Will. This is the reason why Jesus was in constant prayer.

Found in 1 John 5.14-15, we find the Scripture teaches that when a Christian ask anything of God in His Will, He will hear the prayer of the Christian. The Christian though must pray in accordance to God’’ will. There are times when the Christian may ask for something of God, but it may not be best for the Christian. God’s Will is what the Christian should seek to do in his or her Christian life.

Prayer and Faith

Found in Luke 11.5-10, Jesus taught that if a person is in need, he or she should ask and seek those things from God, and they will be given to them. This indicates that when a person requests anything in prayer from God, he must request it by faith. God is a loving and merciful God, and He will give those things to the Christian that he needs. It may not be exactly what the Christian wants, but God knows what is best for the Christian. God the Father is the great provider, and by faith He will provide for the needs of the Christian.

Found in Matthew 15.21-28, we read about a Gentile woman who wanted Jesus to cast a demon out of her daughter. This woman had great faith, because she was a Gentile who trusted Christ. Most Gentiles at the time that Christ walked the earth did not worship the one true God, but this woman had faith that Jesus would help her. She even worshipped Him knowing that He was God’s Son. Jesus admired the great faith that the woman had in Him, and her daughter was healed that same hour. This is what the Christian need in his or her prayer life.

Found in John 15.7, Jesus taught that the Christian should abide in Him, the Christian should allow Jesus’ words to abide in Him. If the Christian will do these things that Jesus ask of him, He will do what the Christian ask of Him. This is by faith. The Christian should trust in Jesus to help him to abide in Him, and to have faith that Jesus will do those things that he promised.

Found in Matthew 18.19-20, Jesus taught that when two people prayed together in agreement and have faith, it would be done. This indicates that the prayers of two or more Christians who pray by faith will surely help when facing the problems and tough situations in life. This is why it is important for Christian brothers and sisters to pray together. The devil and his demons are at war with the Christians everyday. By the power of earnest prayer, Christians can defeat the devil. Christians need to learn to pray together, and believe that God will help them problems and needs. Christ also promised that He would be in the midst of those who are gathered in His precious name.

Found in Mark 11.22-24, Jesus encouraged His disciples to have faith in God. He wanted them to believe in their hearts and not doubt God when they prayed to Him, and ask things of Him. The one thing that has hindered many Christians in their prayer lives has been doubt. Jesus does not want people to doubt, but to believe in Him and have faith. All Christians should always devote themselves to prayer never doubting God, but to have faith in their hearts that God will answer their prayers. God the Father is a loving and merciful God who wants to give the Christian the good things in life, and God wants to do what is best for them.

Outline of John 17.
I. Jesus prayed for His own glorification.
A. Jesus asked that the Father would glorify His son that He would glorify the Father (John 17.1-2).
1. Jesus’ sacrifice for the sin of the world made it possible for all mankind to receive eternal life.
2.He was obedient to God, and fulfilled His will.
3.He made it possible for all men to have fellowship with God the Father.

B.He asked that people would receive eternal life (Jvn 17.3).
1.To get to know the Father
2.To get to know the Son

C. Jesus Christ brought glory to the Father by completing the work that He was sent to fulfill (John 17.4).

II. Jesus prayed for His disciples.
A. Jesus prayed to the Father that He had revealed the Father to those who would follow Him (John 17.6-8).
1.God the Father had given them to Jesus
2. Jesus disciples had accepted the words of Jesus
3. Jesus’ disciples had accepted the words of Jesus that had been given to Jesus.
B. Jesus was not praying for the world, but for His disciples (John 17.9-10).
1.They belonged to God the Father.
2.They had brought glory to the Son of God.
C. Jesus asked the Father to protect the disciples by the power of His name (John 17.11).
D.The only disciple who was doomed to destruction was Judas (John. 17.12).
E. Jesus prayed that the disciples would have the fullness of His joy (John 17.13).
F. Jesus prayed that the disciples would be protected from the Devil (John. 17.15).
G. Jesus asked God the Father to sanctify the disciples (John 17.17-19).
1.That they be sanctified by the truth.
2. Jesus sanctified Himself so that the disciples would be sanctified.

III. Jesus prayed for all believers.
A. Jesus prayed that the future believers would be one in His body (John 17.21-23).
1.To let the world know that the Father had sent Jesus into the world.
2.To be one as Jesus and the Father are one.
3.To let the world know that the Father loves the believer as he loves Jesus.
B. Jesus wanted the believers to be with Him in His Kingdom, and to see His glory (John. 17.24).
C. Jesus prayed that His love would be in the believer (John. 17.26).

Jesus in John 17 on prayer

Presented is a summary of Jesus’ teaching on prayer from chapter seventeen of the Gospel according to John. This famous prayer that Jesus prayed to God the Father can be divided into five different requests. Jesus prayed for His own glorification; protection for the believers; and sanctification for the believers’ glorification.

In John 17.1-5, Jesus prayed that God would glorify Him. Jesus knew that the hour was at hand when He would be crucified for the sins of the world. He wanted the Father to glorify Him, so that He would glorify the Father by becoming the world’s only sacrifice for sin in order to cleanse the world from sin. Jesus’ death made it possible for all mankind to receive eternal life. Jesus desired that people would receive eternal life in order to come to know the Father and to have a relationship with Him. Jesus spent His earthly life in obedience to the Father, and He glorified God by fulfilling the works that he was sent to accomplish. His obedience and love for God the Father certainly glorified the name of Jesus.

In John 17.6-16, Jesus prayed for the protection of the disciples. He knew that after His death, resurrection, and ascension that the devil would try to destroy them. They would endure severe persecution as they proclaimed the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus prayed that God the Father would protect them from the evil attempts of the devil. The devil would not only tempt men to persecute them and possibly martyr them, but he would also tempt the disciples to do evil. This passage teaches that as Jesus prayed for His disciples, He also prays for the Christian today. Jesus is the High Priest of all Christians, and He prays for all of them.
In John 17.17-20, Jesus prayed that the Father would sanctify the disciples. This passage teaches that as God sanctified the disciples, that all people can be sanctified through Christ. Jesus also taught that the way to be sanctified was through the truth of the gospel. Without the gospel, there is no hope of sanctification. Mankind would be lost with no hope of ever receiving eternal life in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus also wanted the disciples to spread the truth of the gospel throughout the world.

In John 17.21-23, Jesus prayed that believers would be united as one in His body. As the Father and the Son are one, God wants all Christians to be united as one. Jesus has given all Christians the gift of salvation. When a person is born again, he becomes a member of the body of Christ. This makes all Christians a part of His body. This is why Jesus prayed that all believers would be united as one. These verses teach that Christians need one another. They need one another’s love, prayers, and support in order for the body of Christ to grow spiritually. Separation of the body of Christ can only lead to problems, turmoil, and stuntness of spiritual growth. This is why there are problems in many Christian Churches today. They are divided instead of being united. This problem has hindered both the spreading of the gospel and spiritual growth. In John 17.24, Jesus prayed for the believers’ glorification. Since the Christian has been born again, he has the hope of the resurrection. This is when his body will change from corruption to incorruption. The Christian will live in glory with Christ forever. This is the great hope for all Christians.

As Jesus prayed for the disciples and other believers, Christians should pray for one another. Prayer is a very powerful thing, and many Christians seem to underestimate the power of prayer. If Christians would learn to pray for one another, the church overall would grow stronger. There would be fewer quarrels and more evangelism. There would be less hatred and more love.

“How Believers Glorify God”

The Christian lives in a very difficult and evil world. It is obvious from the violence, the chaos, and the wickedness that is occurring in this world, that this world needs Jesus Christ. This is why it is important for Christians to glorify God. There are many Christians in this world today who are living lives of worldliness and not godliness. They are not glorifying the name of the Lord.
One of the ways that the Christian can glorify God is to pray. Prayer is a very powerful thing. The Christian should spend much time in earnest prayer. He should desire to communicate with God and have a relationship with Him. The Christian should pray for the needs of other people, and he should seek to do God’s will. Doing the will of God will certainly glorify His name as nonbelievers see Jesus in the Christian’s life. All Christians need to pray.

The Christian can glorify God by living a holy life, and desire to build holiness in his life. Living the Christian life is becoming more Christlike. The Christian should allow the Holy Spirit to take complete control of his life. This will certainly please God, and glorify His name. There are many Christians today who are living by the flesh and not by the Spirit. The Christian should desire to do those things in relationship to the Spirit. He should live in the world, but he should not live the way of the world. When the world sees the Christian living the way of Christ, they will wonder why he has joy, peace, and love in his heart. This will certainly glorify God.

Witnessing the gospel to nonbelievers is another way to glorify God. The world today is filled with lost souls. These people need to hear the gospel. The Christian should be willing to witness to the nonbeliever. The Christian should indicate that God loves them, and that He desires to see all mankind saved. He should tell the lost person about Jesus, and that He wants to save him or her from their sins. When the lost person becomes a Christian, the Christian should give God all the glory. He should also pray that there would be other nonbelievers who will be born again. As The Christian was given the words of eternal life before his or her’s conversion, he or she should also freely present these same words of eternal life. The lost souls who are born again will certainly glorify God.

“Characteristics of the Church” as revealed in John 17
In chapter seventeen of the book of John, Jesus mentions in His prayer different characteristics of the Christian Church. The Christian today should maintain these same characteristics that Jesus prayed about to the Father.

The first characteristic that Jesus mentioned in His prayer to the Father was that the disciples had kept God’s Word. This is indicated in John 17.6-9. As the disciples kept God’s Word in those days, the Christian Church should also keep God’s Word today. This is important, because without His Word, they’re no messages about the gospel of Christ that can save mankind. There also would be no information in order to grow in the Christian faith. Jesus revealed the Word of God to the disciples, and they had kept it as they believed on the name of Christ. This is the responsibility of the church today. They are to keep God’s Word, and teach the Word to other people.

Another characteristic of the Christian Church is that it glorifies the name of Jesus Christ. This is in accordance to John 17.10, when Jesus told the Father that He was glorified in His disciples. The Christian Church should do those things that glorify Christ. This is especially important if the church is going to win a lost world for Christ. If there is conflict in the church, then it is not glorifying the Lord.

Another characteristic of the Christian Church is that the church should be sanctified. This is according to John 17.15-19. The Christian Church should not practice worldliness, but it should be set apart for the Lord in order to fulfill His holy purpose in life. The church needs to be purified in order to be in the world but not part of the world. This comes by repentance, and allowing Christ to take control of the church. The Christian Church today needs this characteristic of sanctification in order to be a witness for a sinful world.
Another characteristic of the church is that it should be evangelical. Jesus prayed for this in John 17.20 when He spoke of other people who would believe in Him from the words of the disciples. This is very important, because witnessing is what the Christian Church is supposed to fulfill. Jesus commands the church to be His witnesses so that people in this world will hear the gospel, and believe on His name. If Christians in the church do not witness to people, the lost souls in this world will remain lost with no hope for salvation. The church needs to tell the Good News.

Another characteristic of the Church is that it should be in unity as one in the body of Christ. This is according to John 17.21-23. This is important in order to alleviate strife, and to build the way of love in the church. This is also important for the spiritual growth of the church. People should love one another, and pray for one another in the church in order to be one in the body of Christ.

Hindrances to prayer

There are several hindrances that affect the prayer life of the Christian. One of the hindrances that can certainly affect prayer is to pray selfishly. Praying selfishly hinders the Christians prayer, because it does not glorify God. The person is praying in order to satisfy his own pleasures. When a Christian prays, he should pray petitions that will glorify God, and he should not pray selfishly for the fulfillment of his own desires. God deserves all the glory.

Sin is another hindrance that affects the prayer life of a Christian. When the believer, commits sins they set a barrier between the Christian and God. This makes it impossible for God to answer prayer. This is why the Christian should allow God to reveal to him any hidden sin that has not been forsaken. The Christian should forsake that sin, and allow God to take complete control of his life. The believer should not harbor sin in his life.

Love of material things (money) is another hindrance that affects the believer’s prayer life. When a Christian allows something else to take place of God in his heart, this is considered an idol. This can be a job, wife, children, pleasure, money, and other things. People should forsake these idols, and put God first in their lives. Christians are to serve the Living God with their hearts.
Not showing mercy is another hindrance in prayer. God wants the Christians to help his fellowship, and not neglect the poor. God will not hear the prayer of the man or woman who refuses to give generously to the poor.

One of the most common hindrances to prayer is an unforgiving spirit. When a Christian harbors unforgivable thoughts in his heart, it makes it impossible for God to answer prayer. The Christian must not only ask God to forgive him or her for the sins that he or she has committed, but he must also forgive the other person who has offended him or her. God closes the ear to those who refuse to forgive their fellowman.

Having a wrong relationship between the husband and wife is another hindrance to prayer. The husband who is unkind to his wife will not have his prayers answered. Unbelief is also a very strong hindrance to prayer. When the Christian prays, he or she should not question God, but believe His promises that their prayers will be answered.. God promises this in His Word. The Christian should remember this promise.

Lack of prayer is another hindrance of prayer. Christians should desire to communicate with God. This is the main reason why the Christian should pray. God wants His children to fellowship with Him. Lack of prayer greatly hinders the relationship. Prayer is certainly necessary to maintain the Christian’s relationship with God.

Hardening the heart is another hindrance to prayer. When the Christian refuses to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, his heart is hardened. God cannot communicate with the person because of this hardness of the heart. Christians in prayer should open their hearts to the Lord. They should allow God to speak to their hearts, and obey His voice.

The wrong attitude in prayer is another hindrance in prayer. When the Christian prays, he should pray with the right attitude. Praying with the wrong attitude can greatly hinder the prayers of the Christian, because God expects His children to have the right attitude when they speak to Him. He wants the Christian to desire to communicate with Him, and not to simply pray to God, because he wants something from Him.

The Christian should repent of the hindrances that affect his prayer life. Christians should study these passages of Scripture, and learn what they must do in order to forsake the hindrances that are affecting the prayers in their lives. It is important that all Christians maintain a consistent prayer life with no hindrances that will interfere.

One important Scripture passage that is used concerning hindrances in prayer is James 4.3. This verse indicates the selfishness that hinders prayer, because Christians have a tendency to ask for things that will fulfill their own pleasures. James taught that the Christian would not receive anything from the Lord with such a selfish attitude.

In Isaiah 59.1-2, this passage indicates that sin greatly hinders the prayers of a Christian. As sin separated the person before he became a Christian, sin separates the Christian from God when that sin is not repented of and cleansed. The Christian is still saved, and will continue to be saved, but God cannot communicate with the Christian. God will not hear the prayer of a believer who refuses to repent of his sins.

In Ezekiel 14.3, this verse teaches that idols in the heart of a Christian are certainly a stumbling block that hinders his or her’s prayers. God will not listen to the prayers of Christians who have put other things or people in their hearts ahead of Him. God is to have first place in the life of all Christians. If a Christian has an idol in his or her heart, he or she should repent of it, and forsake it.

Proverbs 21.13 indicates that God will not answer the prayers of the Christian who neglects the poor. The Christian has the responsibility to help the poor. He or she should be willing to give the poor the things that they need, whether it is money, food, or clothing. God wants his people to be a compassionate people who are willing to help his or her fellowmen. Neglecting the poor only shows selfishness and uncaring on the part of the Christian.

Mark 11.25 indicates that the Christian when he is praying should forgive those who have offended him or her. Unforgiveness has been a big hindrance in the prayers of many Christians. God will not hear the prayers of a Christian who has not forgiven another person, but He also will not forgive the Christian for refusing to forgive. God cannot communicate with a Christian who has an unforgiving spirit. Christians need to forgive their fellowman.

I Peter 3.7 indicate that a husband should honor his wife. If he does not honor his wife, his prayers will be hindered. Husbands should love their wives, respect them, and honor them. When a husband dishonors his wife, God will not answer his prayers. God wants the husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church. The husband who will love and honor his wife will have his prayers answered.

In James 1.5-7, James indicates that doubt is a very serious hindrance in prayer. A Christian should never doubt when he or she goes to the Lord in prayer, but he or she should always believe that God would give him or her an answer. When the Christian doubts God, he or she doubts God’s Word.

Proper attitude of the mind and heart concerning prayer

The new Christian who is beginning his daily walk with Christ should pray in a childlike way. The Christian should pray a little each day, and pray that God will give him the Spirit of prayer. The new Christian is a babe in Christ, and he needs to develop his prayer life. Praying a little each day will develop this prayer life, and then the Christian will constantly be in prayer.

There may be times when the Christian may have difficulties in prayer. There are times when the Christian does not know what to pray. This can become very disheartening. He should ask God for the Spirit of Prayer to reveal to him what he must pray for during prayer time. The Christian needs the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to help him to pray. Without the Spirit of prayer, the time of prayer will continue to be difficult, burdensome, and disheartening.

The Spirit of prayer can also help the Christian to pray for things from both his mind and heart that is neither selfish nor self-indulgent. The Spirit of prayer helps the Christian to pray properly without misusing prayer. Many times Christians have misused prayer, but the Spirit of prayer will help the Christian to pray correctly.
The Spirit of prayer will give the Christian an attitude in both the mind and heart to praise and worship God. God wants all Christians to give Him praise, and to worship Him both in Spirit and truth. The Spirit of prayer will give the Christian this type of attitude. The Christian will also give the Lord thanksgiving for all the blessings that God has bestowed upon him.

As the Christian continues to pray spiritually, his mind and heart will gradually be drawn to God. This is why it is important to continuously ask God for the Spirit of Prayer in order to develop a close relationship with Him. God anxiously wants all Christians to fellowship with Him, and to draw closer to Him. The Spirit of prayer will help the Christian to accomplish this task.

The Christian should follow the examples of Jesus concerning the time when to pray. As Jesus rose up early in the morning to pray, the Christian should also rise up early before his or her’s daily task and pray. This will help the Christian to start the day fresh and anew. This will also help the Christian to fulfill God’s will during the day. All Christians should learn to pray before their day begins.

The Christian should also follow Christ examples by giving themselves over to the Holy Spirit in order to pray at night; to pray before any great crisis; to pray after great achievements giving God praise and thanksgiving; to pray when the days are extremely busy, and to pray before any temptation that will occur in life. As Christ earnestly prayed during these times that Christian should also have the attitude of both the mind and heart to pray as Jesus prayed.

“Prayer and the Will of God”

There have been questions among the Christians on prayer, and what does it mean to pray in the will of God? I will answer the questions that Christians have been asking concerning this subject. Praying in the Will of God is very important in order to know who or what to pray for in prayer.

When a Christian goes to the Lord in prayer, he or she should go in the name of Christ. This indicates that the Christian is praying to God on His merit and not on the Christian’s own merits. If a Christian is simply approaching God in prayer on his own terms and his own goodness, he or she is not praying in the will of God. The Christian must come on God’s goodness and mercy relying on the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. If the Christian relies on his own merits, his prayers will not be answered. His prayers will be prayers of self-will and not God’s will.

The Christian can know God’s will by His Word. The Bible reveals the promises of God, and what the Christian should pray for in accordance to God’s Will. The Christian should study God’s Word daily. The Word will reveal to him the things that God will give him. Because these things that God will give are in his Word, it is in the will of God to give these things. The Christian should not be afraid to petition for these things, because these are promised in the Word. A good example that indicates that the will of God is revealed in His Word is in James 1.5. This passage reveals that God will give wisdom to those who ask it of Him. This is His will that His children should have wisdom, but it is the Christian’s responsibility to ask God for wisdom, because this is in accordance with God’s Word. If the promise is in God’s Word, the Christian should not doubt God, because to doubt the promises of God is the same as calling God a liar. The Christian should believe the promises of God.

The Holy Spirit reveals the will of God in prayer. The Holy Spirit guides the Christian in prayer, and He helps the Christian to pray in accordance to God’s will. There are times when the Christian does not know what to pray. If the Christian will ask God to show him who and what he must pray for in prayer, the Holy Spirit will reveal this to him. The Holy Spirit will intercede on behalf of the Christian. This is in accordance to Romans 8.26-28. All Christians should rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in prayer.

The Christian should seek to know the will of God in prayer. He or she can know His will by studying the Scriptures and by the guidance of His Spirit. Christians should go boldly before the throne of grace, and have confidence that his prayers will be answered if he is praying in the will of God.

Writing on I Jon 5.14-15, I Th. 5.16-18

I John 5.14 teaches that when the Christian ask anything of God according to His will, He will hear the prayer of the Christian. This is why the Christian should have faith and confidence when he goes to the Lord in prayer, that his prayers will be answered. There are times when the Christian may not get exactly what he wants, but God knows the need. God will provide for the needs of the Christian, because He provides and needs in accordance to God’s Word. The Christian should never doubt in his heart, but he should always have faith that God has and will hear his prayer.

When the Christian prays to God in accordance to His will, he should know in his heart that God has heard his prayer. If the Christian has asked God for anything that has been promised in His Word, he should know that God has heard that prayer, and that he will honor that prayer. The Christian should also have that same confidence of knowing that God has heard his prayer, especially if the Holy Spirit has guided him through that prayer. The Christian should not be afraid to bring his or her petitions before God, but he or she should approach the throne of grace with boldness knowing in his heart that his prayers will be heard and answered. If the Christian has the promises of God that his prayers will be answered, he should never doubt in his heart but believers. Doubt and unbelief are both enemies of God. The Christian who doubts God in his heart will only walk in defeat and not victory. The Christian should present his petitions before God believing in the promises of God.

I Thessalonians 5.16-18 teach on prayer and the will of God. In I Thessalonians 5.16, this verse is teaching that in prayer that Christians should rejoice. A person who has been born again should always rejoice before the Lord, because he or she has a new life through Jesus Christ. He or she has that blessed hope of being resurrected in order to enter God’s Kingdom. All Christians should rejoice and praise God for the hope of the resurrection. The Christian is no longer under condemnation, but he is a new creature in Christ.

In Thessalonians 5.17, the Christian is encouraged to pray without ceasing. This means that the Christian should always be in prayer worshipping, and praising God. He should give God thanks for the blessings that He has bestowed upon the Christian. The Christian should also bring his petitions before the Lord, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide him in prayer. The Holy Spirit will guide the Christian in prayer, and He will help him to pray in accordance to the will of God.

I Thessalonians 5.18 teach that the Christian should give thanks to God for all things. The blessings that God has bestowed upon the Christian are by His will. The Christian in turn should give thanks for the blessings that God has bestowed. This proves that God wants what is best for His children. God loves his children, and He shows this love by giving the Christian eternal life through Christ. The Christian should give thanks for this precious gifts and all of God’s blessings, because it His will that the Christian should have them.

These have been the teachings from I John 5:14-15 and I Thessalonians 5.16-18. The Christian should study these teachings, and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit learn to live by them in order to glorify God. One man in the Old Testament walked and talked with God so much that God took him up to heaven. Another was taken in a whirlwind to heaven. Would it not be wonderful that all Christians would begin to walk and talk with God so much the rapture would happen?