Entrepreneurial Workshop

The Evangelistic Resource Center Team consist of many experienced entrepreneurial’s. Small Business is important in today’s recession to help grown the economy , bring down unemployment and leveling the ground of big business verses little business. Where would we be without the air plane? The light bulb? Think about how the McDonald Hamburger business started. A dream, a vision, someone in your community may need a simple nudge or training, and sometimes to meet the right person to support the idea financially.

Once you have located the place to hold the workshop you must secure the location and begin advertising. Gather the local business owners and schedule them to come and speak about their success and failures in starting their own business. Take time to outline the days curriculum by searching out markets that are not available in the community, something new to bring in the area to help the new business a success. Know and understanding the competition will remove a lot of guessing about how much inventory to stock, or how many employees one should start out with in their new business. Cash flow is extremely important in operating a business new or old.

Some basic things to consider is what kind of corporation will you set in place. Will it be an LLC, A C corporation, an S corporation? Hire a professional to write your business plane, only after you have done your research and outlined the business plan. The business plan will demand you have a good plan of securing financial’s to operate the business. Funds are available in most cities to help you hire employees, in fact $10,000 per employee at only 3% interest, so meet with your local officials and have them speak at this work shop.

Bring in the State Economic and Development speakers. Their job is to help you grow your business. The city economic development person will contact them and schedule their speaking times for you. In addition most cities have a meeting room you can use for free to accomplish this meeting.

Contact a few bankers and ask them to come and speak .Obtaining loans from banks, or coordinating with the local SBA officer is essential, so make sure you invite the SBA officer to speak. Always bring in a layer to speak . Ask your local insurance companies to speak. All these folks are very important to your success. Exegetical has added grant writing speakers to their career days. There are Foundation Grants for non profits. There are Federal grants for non profits and for full for profit groups.