Disaster Relief

1) Tsunami

On December 26, 2004, a massive earthquake occurred under the Indian Ocean just off the coast of Indonesia. The 9.0 magnitude quake created a series of tsunamis that caused great destruction and loss of life throughout the Indian Ocean basin, within several hours of the initial event.

Evangelistic Resource Center immediately joined with Inner change International, a subordinate ministry, and began building five air, wind , water and solar systems. The goal was to deliver one medical doctor from Atlanta, and two evangelist. The trip was directed by Warren Was, a re noun world wide evangelist and board member of Exegetical Institute.

Dr. Grady and his son Russell, designed and built the five systems which consisted of a wind turbine, solar panel, converter, controller, wiring and a water purifier. The components were broken down and placed in Army Duffle Bags. The Evangelistic Resource Center Team flew to Sr Lanka, where they began introducing these systems first to pastors, and eventually to the medical doctors, one from Italy , the other from Germany, who were volunteering in the temporary tent hospitals.

As you view the DVD below we pray you will consider becoming part of our team. Now, Five years later, programs continue through the efforts of our evangelist team. Over 200,000 died in this tragedy.